EJM is an alternative to formal court proceedings, under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. It is commonly referred to as a diversion program. As a pre-charge police referral, EJM is offered in Quinte West and Bancroft.
EJM allows a young person to take responsibility for their offense without being charged. Instead, you will complete an agreement through St. Leonard’s Community after receipt of the referral from police services.
Successful completion of an EJM means that the young person has avoided a potential youth criminal record. The referring officer will receive a report from St. Leonard’s Community detailing the efforts made that demonstrated that the young person has accepted responsibility and successfully completed the agreed measures as a means to repair harm caused. The officer will then not lay a charge.
Who can participate in the EJM program?
If you are between the ages of 12 and 17 inclusive, you may be eligible to participate in the EJM program in Quinte West and Bancroft.
- EJM Program is available via an approved referral from Quinte West and Bancroft OPP
- You must accept responsibility for your behaviour.
- You must willingly agree to participate in the program.
You may wish to speak to a lawyer to consider all your legal options before agreeing to participate in EJM. If participation in the EJM program is not appropriate, the referring officer will be notified by St. Leonard’s Community
My EJM Request has been approved?
- Once the referral is received at St. Leonard’s Community, your pending charge will be placed on hold by the investigating police officer to allow time for you to complete an EJM program.
- It is your responsibility to contact St. Leonard’s Community within (7) days so that a suitable EJM agreement can be prepared.
What will I be asked to do?
Your EJM agreement will be worked out specifically for your situation based on the offense that brought you in conflict with the law.
Your EJM agreement will take into consideration how others have been affected by your offense.
Your EJM agreement may include a combination of the following requirements:
- An apology (often a letter) to those affected by your offense
- Compensation to Persons Harmed by your offense
- Participation in an information/educational session relating to your offense
- A written report or essay
- A charitable donation from personal earnings
- Community Service work
What happens when I have finished my EJM program?
A written report will be submitted to the referring officer, confirming your successful completion of an EJM program.
What happens if I do not complete my EJM program?
An EJM agreement is a serious youth diversion obligation. If you do not complete the requirements of your agreement, your case will be returned to the referring officer for resolution, and participation in the EJM program will cease. In most cases, the referring officer lays the charge and the matter is transferred to the Office of the Crown Attorney. The young person is now required to attend youth court. See Extrajudicial Sanctions.