Board Application

Are you interested in serving on the Board of Directors at St. Leonard’s? 

The Nominating Committee will consider all names recommended to it and from those names will present a slate for election to the Board of Directors.

Applications can either be complete via the downloadable Board member package, or by simply filling out the online application form below.

The Board of Directors will recruit Members to the Board who meet the following qualifications specified in legislation and the bylaws of our organization.

  • No employee, nor their spouse, parent, or child, shall be eligible for election as a Member/Director.
  • Where a spouse, parent or child of a current Member/Director becomes an employee of the Corporation, the current Member/Director must resign at the next Meeting of the Members.
  • A Member/Director is expected to commit the time required to perform Board duties. The time commitment is likely 8-10 hours per month.
  • Board meetings will be held in person and will only be held virtually in rare circumstances. i.e., Inclement weather

Commitment to the advancement of the Mission and Vision of St.  Leonard’s. Members/Directors must agree to support the Vision, Mission, and Values of St. Leonard’s

Integrity and Accountability

Members/Directors must have demonstrated high ethical standards and integrity in their personal and professional dealings and must be willing to act on and remain accountable for their boardroom decisions. Members/Directors must understand the function of a Board of Directors and its fiduciary responsibilities. If you have questions, please speak with the Board Chair or the CEO.

Informed Judgment & Meaningful Participation

Members/Directors should be able to provide wise, thoughtful counsel on a broad range of issues. Diverse opinions and questions are encouraged, which supports an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect among the members, creating a culture that promotes participation.

Time Commitment

Members/Directors must be willing and able to devote the time and effort necessary to fully participate in the governance of the organization. Board meetings are held approximately 10 times a year with an occasional special meeting. Meetings are “generally” no longer than 1.5 hours in duration. Directors are requested to attend all Board meetings where possible. If a Members/Director cannot attend, regrets are to be sent.


  1. The Directors shall elect one-third (1/3) of the Directors for a three-year term, one-third (1/3) of the Directors for a two-year term, and one-third (1/3) of the Directors for a one-year term. Make sure that the Directors are elected by the Board Members and that the terms of the Directors are no longer than 4 years. Retiring Directors who wish to return to serve on the Board may be considered after a two-year absence.
  2. No Board member shall hold the same position on the Executive Committee for more than two (2) consecutive terms (4 consecutive years); however, the person may be re‐ elected to this position where there has been a break of one year of continuous service in that same position.

Apply online to our Board of Directors

Please scroll down to the bottom of this form and use the Save and Continue Later to save your progress.

Contact St. Leonard's

Contact Kerry Cole